





The blog

Hey! I'm Stacee! 
I am a Los Angeles based photographer who loves the chaos of the city, the vast empty space of the desert, and the new adventures that come with traveling. Welcome to my blog! 

I have known Lizzy for many many years. She’s basically my new favorite person right now because she is the lovely lady who stood behind the camera and captured the photographs of Jack & I that I posted yesterday. Seriously, my favorite person right now, I can’t stop staring at these photos she took for […]

Open Post

I feel like I base a lot of my life off of one summer, [side note, um.. I’ve been blogging for years how did that happen?!] so it was kind of phenomenal when I was able to go back to a place where so much of my life changed. I can’t really remember all the […]

Open Post

My first memory of Gaby is from her prom. It was a few years ago, and I kind of randomly showed up to take photos before she and her friends left. There were a ton of people there and the only reason Gaby specifically stands out to me is one, she’s INCREDIBLY beautiful and two, […]

Open Post

My poor neglected blog. :[ It’s been a busy busy week. In between day job work, photography work, and being part of the moments during the final days of 9-3 the internet and my blog have definitely been shoved the the back burner. I apologize to my handful of faithful readers ;] Last Saturday I […]

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She lived in Ireland and he lived on the east coast of the USA. A chance meeting, far from either of their homes, led them to talking on the phone every day, despite the distance. And two years ago they each made a huge decision to move *far* from their homes to be together in […]

Open Post

Last summer Steven, aka Mr. Anderson, and I planned the first off campus photoshoot for his AVID kids. It was so fun we decided to plan another one, but on a larger scale. Instead of inviting just the AVID classes of 2011 and 2012 we would also invite his first AVID class, the class of […]

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