February 5, 2013

February: goals


Last night I was falling asleep on the couch, and when I got up to get ready for bed I looked at the clock and realized it was only 8:30… 8:30!!!! That about sums up my January. Early mornings and early nights, and it has been so worth it. I set some pretty crazy goals for myself this year and now, at one month in, I’m loving the changes I’ve made– even if it means setting alarms and going to bed early… and investing in knee and ankle braces.

You can find my January Long-Term Goals here. And here’s a little recap of how a few of those are going:

1. Blogging 3x a week has been semi-successful. There were a few times I only made it twice a week, but I’m trying and as the year goes on I’m sure it’ll get better. 😀
2. Keep track of my spending/receipts. I’m pretty impressed with myself on this one! I have developed a system that works for me and I’m really excited about it!
3. Work at my desk… hasn’t happened yet. I did however move from the couch to the kitchen table for awhile. That means I’m halfway there. ;]
4. Finish Rebranding. Oh.My.Gosh. It’s getting close!!! I can’t wait to show you!
5. Work out 3x a week. This one has been the most successful. I’ve actually worked out 5x a week for the entire month of January! With my fancy knee brace and my fancier ankle brace I run three times a week and take a weight lifting class twice a week. I’ve also turned into the oldest 25 year old ever who can hardly stay up past 9:30pm because of my 5am alarm.

February Goals.

1. Don’t freak out on my head-shots photo shoot. I’m 50% excited and 50% terrified.
2. Get all of my tax stuff together. I think my #1 fear is taxes and the IRS, like legitimate panic attack fear. I need sit down and get all of my tax paperwork together so all of that can be BEHIND me.
3. Following up with that, stay on top of weekly accounting so NEXT year I’m a little less panic attack-y around this time. 😐
4. Dress up, feel fancy and go see Wicked [for the 3rd time!] with my favorite friend.
5. Choose another Bible study to go through that has daily homework assignments to keep me accountable. Now that I’ve finished the James: Mercy Triumphs Bible study I don’t want to fall out of the habit of starting my day with Jesus and studying the Bible.
6. Shoot Film. I started playing with film in November & December and as cheesy and cliche it may sound, I fell in love. Getting my film images back was like getting a breath of fresh creative air. I have 2 shoots this month that are planned specifically around practicing with film.

  1. Diana

    February 5th, 2013 at 11:35 am

    oooooo I love reading goals. Working out 5x a week? You rock! And you’re going to love seeing Wicked! Fun stuff!



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