





The blog

Hey! I'm Stacee! 
I am a Los Angeles based photographer who loves the chaos of the city, the vast empty space of the desert, and the new adventures that come with traveling. Welcome to my blog! 

I have this problem, it comes with the territory of being a *complete* crazy person, where I blog-stalk people other photographers and want to have their lives. I want their perfect styled shoots and their perfect vacations and their perfect lives because that’s what you see on their blogs. My life is never that way. […]

Open Post

Today is an exciting day. Not because anything exciting is happening, just because it’s today. I think it was the 5th day of August when I stood in the driveway between my house and the house of my favorite family talking to Alexis about how August was practically over. Because it was already so close […]

Open Post

A few weeks ago I was shooting a wedding with one of my favorite photographers and friends. As we were driving from the bed and breakfast where the bride and groom were getting ready to the ceremony location we were chatting about life and work and photography and I, ever so rudely, called her out […]

Open Post

If I had a list of things I thought I would never do, having a sleepover at one of my brides houses would definitely be on it. I’m a total introvert and try to avoid potentially awkward or overly social situations– at all costs. But this year, several of my brides have opted to have […]

Open Post

Can you believe that in just a few weeks we’re going to be halfway through 2013? Halfway!! Time goes by so fast it’s crazy. My June Goals: 1. I have 4 shoot ideas rolling around in my head and I want to work through the details and get those planned and photographed before the end […]

Open Post

I know it’s halfway through May already, so to say I have goals for the month is kind of pathetic. But I can’t bring myself to give up on this month, even though I totally want to. To be honest, I’ve been really disappointed in my goal-achieving over the last few weeks, and it is […]

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